Volunteering and Opportunities
Log Your Volunteer Hours in Track It Forward
Parent and Community Involvement:
Whether you are a parent, community member or business, there are many opportunities for you to be involved in Cherry Creek Academy. Sharing your time and talents enriches the educational experience for our students, provides additional support to our teachers and staff and promotes positive school/community partnerships.
Volunteer at a school:
From the classroom to the library to the lunchroom, there are many volunteer opportunities at Cherry Creek Academy. If you are interested in volunteering in a particular classroom please contact that teacher directly.
Volunteer Process:
Colorado legislation has prompted a greater need to screen and document volunteers in our schools. Therefore, beginning January 2022, we must ensure that every volunteer completes a brief application to support activities in CCSD schools including Cherry Creek Academy. This information will be automatically linked to the Raptor System. The good news is you only need to complete this form once per school year, and it will meet the requirement to volunteer in all CCSD buildings and Cherry Creek Academy.
To access the form, please click on the following link: https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/NzU0OmVuLVVT
The safety and security of our students and staff remains our top priority. Every person entering our buildings must have a District ID, a Cherry Creek Academy ID or a badge printed from the Raptor System. We thank you for your partnership in keeping our schools safe!
CCA values our volunteers and are grateful for those who complete their 40 (or 20 for single parents) hours. It is very important that you login your hours. To log volunteer hours go to www.cherrycreekacademy.org, "Community''. This is our only record of your contributions so it is important that you keep it up to date. Parents are notified of accrued volunteered hours throughout the school year.
Copiers and Laminators:
The copiers in the building are for school use only. Parents may not use these for personal copying without permission from the office staff. Parents must have training before using any of the copiers or laminators.
While we greatly appreciate our parent volunteers and the time devoted to copying, please recognize the need of any teacher or staff member to use the machine at that time, and allow him/her the priority to complete his/her task before completing yours.
Volunteer Policy
All parents/legal guardians of children at CCA shall volunteer as outlined below:
- Two parent family – 40 hours per school year (both parents in the same household)
- Joint parenting family – 20 hours each parent, a total of 40 hours per school year (parents in separate households, but both responsible for child’s care)
- Single parent family – 20 hours, per school year (one parent solely responsible for child’s care)
All families shall sign a confidentiality agreement before completing any privacy-sensitive volunteer work (such as grading).
Parents shall log all hours online using the link provided on the CCA website.
Parents, Grandparents or Legal Guardians may earn volunteer hours for the following activities:
- Volunteering in the classroom
- Volunteering with individual/groups of children (please do not bring younger children with you)
- Volunteering in school sponsored events
- Volunteering with take-home work for teachers
- Volunteering with any specials teachers
- Volunteering in the lunchroom
- Volunteering as Chaperones on CCA approved field/grade trips
- Carpooling team members to a CCA sports event (must be other students in addition to your own child)
- Volunteering in CCA sports events
- Volunteering with the PTO
- Volunteering with traffic
- Volunteering on Board Committees (parents/legal guardians only)
- Parents, Legal Guardians, Grandparents, and Family Members may gain volunteer hours for activities
- Volunteering on school grounds (playground clean up, etc) during off school hours
- Volunteer on summer building work
Donating your volunteer hours to another family is not permitted.
Volunteer hours may be earned for the current school year within the effective dates of July 1st through June 30th of each year.
CCA-based extra-curricular activities (i.e. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts), conducted with the consent of the Executive Director, but not a part of the CCA curriculum, may be logged as volunteer hours.
Any family with circumstances prohibiting their ability to perform their volunteer hours must contact the Executive Director.
Any hours completed over forty hours are noted and greatly appreciated by the teachers and staff. Volunteer hours are often included in grant application criteria. We are proud of our commitment to volunteering and all our great volunteers.
Any family not completing their volunteer hours will lose sibling priority privileges and will be ineligible to vote in CCA elections.
Daily Opportunities:
Morning traffic/crosswalk - Contact Mrs. Sadie at sosieczanek@cherrycreekacademy.org if you are interested. Amount of time earned: 2 hrs per day.
Afternoon traffic/crosswalk Contact Mrs. Sadie at sosieczanek@cherrycreekacademy.org if you are interested. Amount of time earned: 2 hrs per day.
Lunchroom duty (supervision, helping open food, cleaning tables) Email Mrs. Brooks at rbrooks@cherrycreekacademy.org if interested. The amount of time earned is 1:1 (1 hour per every hour spent there).
Volunteer Opportunities:
King Soopers Loyalty Program
(1 Hour)
Please log into your King Soopers account. Once logged into your King Soopers account, click on King Soopers Community Rewards under the Save tab. You will then search for Cherry Creek Academy either by name or GW800 and then click Enroll. Once enrolled, CCA's PTO will earn a percentage of your sales every time you use your loyalty card/number. For more information on King Soopers Community Rewards, please click here.
Front Office, Lunchroom, or Library Volunteer
(1:1 Hour)
PIN Meetings/Board Meetings/PTO Meetings/Committee Meetings
(1:1 Hour)
Board or PTO Meetings
(1:1 Hour)
Attend a Board or PTO Meeting
Restaurant Nights
(1 Hour)
Keep an eye on The Eagle and the calendar to see which local restaurants are donating a portion of proceeds back to the CCA PTO on a specific night. You can log one volunteer hour by participating in these fundraisers.
In-classroom help (as requested by teacher or room parent: classroom parties, reading assistant, etc.)
(1:1 Hour)
Board/PTO Representative
(1:1 Hour)
Class Trips
(1:1 up to 115 hours for DC/Washington 8th grade trip; 35 for 5th/6th Overnight trips)
Attend a PIN Meeting
Snow Shoveling
(1:3 Hours)
Donate Used Uniforms
(1 Hour)
Helps support the Used Uniform sales in the fall and spring.
Box Tops
(1 Hour)
Box Tops are digital now! Download the app and link to CCA's page to scan receipts for easy rewards that go directly to the PTO.
Purchased Donation
(1:up to $20, 1 hour for each additional $20 spent up to $40)
Monday Munchies
(1:1 Hour for store bought items, 1:2 for homemade items)
Like/Follow us on Social Media (Facebook and/or Instagram)
(1:1 Hour)
Traffic or Crossing Volunteer
(1:2 Hours)
Field Trips
(1:1 Hour)
Financial Donation to CCA Foundation
(1:$20 Hour up to $20)
Volunteer at Events
(1:1 Hour)
These annual events cannot take place without volunteers. Sign-ups are sent in The Eagle and often contain opportunities during the day, after school, or on occasional weekends. More events are always being added so make sure to read The Eagle or check the master calendar as dates may change.
- Back to School Carnival and Silent Auction- August
- Fall Used Uniform Sale- August
- Fall Original Artwork- October
- K-4 Winter Dance- January
- Winter Used Uniform Sale- February
- Multicultural Festival- March