Drama Club
Drama Club is led by Ms. Van Loan and Mrs. Brooks
Emily Van Loan is a 1st grade teacher and has been at CCA for 3 years. She began acting in third grade and eventually went on to study Theatre and Nonprofit Arts Leadership at Seattle University. She is very excited to bring drama to CCA and share her passion for the arts with our students!
Mrs. Brooks has a degree from UNLV in theatre performances and has been involved in performing arts since she was five years old. She has a passion for live theatre and music performances. She currently works as the Communications Director at the school. She is very excited to be working alongisde Ms. Van Loan to bring a bit of theatre to CCA!
Drama and theater arts benefit students by cultivating the whole person and building skills in literacy, communication, reasoning, intuition, and imagination. In drama club, we will focus on developing skills of voice- including projection, tone, mood and pacing- and skills of movement- including facial expressions, gesture, and body language. We will apply these skills to a short performance. Students will also have the opportunity to get creative with ideas for costumes, props, and set pieces for our play.
Tuesdays starting October 1, 2024 from 3:15-4:45 pm in the Innovation Space